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South East Water Dry Weather Plan consultation

Oare PC

South East Water is currently consulting on its Dry Weather Plan, previously called the Drought Plan, and is keen for customers and stakeholders to have their say.

The dry weather plan sets out the steps South East Water would take during periods of low rainfall to ensure they can deliver a reliable water supply for the essential needs of drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning. It details what actions they would take to conserve water and secure customers’ supplies, while balancing the needs of the environment.

Plans are reviewed every five years and a draft document published for consultation. Although the latest plan was published in 2019 it is being updated following recent changes to government drought plan guidance.

The consultation runs until Monday 2nd August 2021 and South East Water will then review all the feedback received and prepare a statement of response and a revised plan in the autumn.

The draft Dry Weather Plan and consultation forms can be accessed by clicking here.


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